So some Tea Party candidates got elected to Congress. Good for them. I could pretend I respect their views, but why bother? I’ll only concede their right to hold those views.
What I won’t concede is that they have such a perfect vision of the truth that they get to destroy everyone else’s economy.
The Tea Party is welcome to their irrational devotion to tax breaks for the richest Americans. But common sense and the America way of government demands that they recognize and respect the views of the majority of Americans who realize that enough is enough already.
In other words, compromise. The freshmen hardliners need to understand that their view is not the only view, and is in fact a minority view. (That is, if you’re counting voters; if you’re counting dollars I suppose you get a different result.)
Tax breaks for the wealthiest simply have not benefited most Americans. Polls show that 60% of Americans recognize this. But rather than accepting a return to historically normal rates of taxation on the wealthiest Americans, the Tea Party is willing to bring economic ruination on America and the world.
It’s a bitter disappointment to me that President Obama is not hammering on this point every hour of every day.