I’m not a Republican. I don’t even play one on TV. But, while I don’t agree with what I consider the basic tenets of the GOP, I can respect those who have differing views about the role of government in creating a just society and sensibly distributing goods and services.
However, I believe that since roughly Nixon, the GOP has been hijacked by people who are not content to have their ideas tested in the intellectual and political marketplace, but instead resort to a relentless campaign of lies, distortions, character assassination and fear-mongering.
Ultimately, this is simply a reflection of the American public’s refusual to subscribe to the Republican view of the world. But in the short term I believe that the right-wing hegemony in the GOP is foully corrupting the public discourse in this country.
Let’s review the record.
Reagan. Convinced the American public that “the government” was the enemy, rather than the democratically created instrument of the people. He convinced the people that there was something evil about taxes. This despite the obvious: Taxes build roads, protect property, educate the citizens, eliminate misery and suffering, defend the country. Iran-Contra: Hello? U.S. Constitution?
Bush Sr. Read my lips: The beginning of the Oil Oligarchy.
Clinton. Hmm, what is it about eight years of peace and prosperity that people don’t like? As far as I’m concerned, the attacks on his personal life were a tacit admission that alternatives to his successful policies were bankrupt. It also revealed the win-at-any-cost mentality of the right wing.
And now we come to George W. Bush. Destined to be remembered as the most reckless, deceptive and corrupt administration in my lifetime. (God I hope so; I couldn’t take worse.)
- Reckless? Iraq. Or an obsession with a missile defense system that missed the fundamental problem of stateless terrorism. Or experimentation with Social Security?
- Deceptive? Iraq again, plus a host of other policies, such as the polluting Clear Skies Act, the underfunded No Child Left Behind (Which does what? Leaves millions of children behind.)
- Corrupt? Long list again, but let’s confine ourselves to the sort of secrecy that led to Cheney’s energy summit with his corporate pals. Or, wait, let’s add the no-bid contracts for reconstruction in Iraq. Or how about …?
But enough. I’ll have separate entries for each of those categories in the future.
Then, I promise, I’ll be more positive. (Think Health Care.) Here’s a positive thought: I liked eight years of peace and prosperity (the Clinton years). Let’s have eight more (the Kerry years).
And, to my Republican friends: Can’t you do better than this administration?