Whenever Ron Johnson makes a statement, ask yourself how what he’s saying benefits his constituents (as opposed to his donors).

There’s hardly a problem this country faces that can’t be fixed by voting Republicans like Johnson out.

Republicans now have a platform that calls for raising taxes $1 trillion on people who make $100,000 a year or less. Ron Johnson is crowing about reducing health care for people. Republicans generally want to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. They want to get rid of social security. They’re happy to screw young people on student loan debt.

If the past 20 years have shown us anything about the Republicans, it’s that while most Americans work hard to grow the economy and enrich the nation, the Republicans are on the side of people who want to take and keep that wealth for themselves. That’s why we have the income disparity we have.

When you hear republicans complain about social programs redistributing wealth, ask them about the massive redistribution of wealth from working Americans to the hyper-wealthy since Reagan was president.

The Republicans like to complain about deficits, but with Ron Johnson’s help they gave a $1.7 trillion tax cut for the very wealthy in this country — and of course, the deficit soareed. Ron Johnson himself slipped in a provision that got a $200 million tax cut for his wealthy donors and for himself. That’s not fiscally responsible, that’s not fair, that’s not just.

Let’s get rid of Ron Johnson.