Here’s how I see Bush recapitulating Nixon’s demise:
The Niger Yellowcake document. Where did it come from? My guess is Dick Cheney’s office.
So someone there (maybe multiple someones) is going to burn for it.
But the key question is what did the President know, and when did he know it? I don’t think Bush had to know about the provenance of the Niger memo — would he even know its real significance? Doubtful, since he’s a notoriously incurious person.
But when Wilson blew the cover on that planted evidence, Cheney et al., including probably Rove, went into hyper damage control I think out of fear that its provenance might be revealed. While Bush presumably didn’t fully grasp the why of the damage control, he knew about the illegalities involved — specifically the outing of Valerie Plame to discredit and punish Wilson. He’s keeping Rove on, despite knowing that Rove was involved in this sordid episode. And that’s where he’s going to get it.
Now, we have a Republican Congress, which can’t be expected to investigate and impeach Bush. But after the 2006 elections…?