Craig Gilbert seems to be as lost in Paul Ryan’s road map as those he purports to give direction to.

Most notably, the claim that the CBO projects a balanced budget in 50 years disguises the fact the the CBO did NOT use Ryan’s tax (revenue) plan, but another another one, to balance Ryan’s spending plan. So we don’t know whether Ryan’s taxing plan, combined with his spending plan, will do what’s claimed in Craig Glibert’s account.

So Paul Ryan is going to reduce revenues by trillions of dollars — by disproportionate tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans — and balance the budget?

Sure, by destroying Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — but only for people who won’t notice for 30 years.

This is the sort of voodoo economics the GOP has tried before, with the result that the hyper-rich get vastly wealthier, while nearly all other Americans see their incomes stagnate or fall.

It’s a shame that a Journal Sentinel reporter is party to this.