I am writing to you today to ask you to withdraw your support for George Bush in this election.
I am writing to all my friends, neighbors and acquaintances whom I expect are planning to vote for Bush, not to convince them to become Democrats, but to join other Republicans (see, e.g., this piece by Michael Cudahy – no, not that one) who feel as I do that Bush and his radical allies have hijacked the Republican party and are leading the nation in a terribly wrong direction.
I am asking you to consider just a few points.
1) The War. I believe that this war was unnecessary, and hence immoral. My religion teaches me that to be just, a war must be absolutely necessary. But Bush was hell-bent on attacking Iraq, and wouldn?t let facts get in the way. We know now ? as many suspected all along ? that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction and did not have any involvement in the horrors of 9/11, or any significant contact with Al Qaeda. Furthermore, I agree with many military leaders, like former Marine General Anthony Zinni, who believe that the war has been conducted incompetently, and has turned Iraq into a chaotic quagmire where Americans and Iraqis are suffering needlessly. This is not an intelligence failure. This is not merely poor judgment. This is a thoughtless and immoral disregard for the dictates of prudence.
2) Fiscal Policy. I agree with many Republicans that this Administration was wrong to lead us from a projected surplus to an enormous deficit. The structure of Bush’s tax cut — during time of war! — was such that it didn’t really stimulate the economy. Rather, it exacerbated the growing gap between the very wealthy and the rest of the country, which stresses the fabric of our society.
3) Social Policy. President Bush speaks of ?compassionate conservatism,? but has refused to let senior citizens buy affordable drugs. He speaks of a ?culture of life,? but so believes in the death penalty that as governor he allowed a mentally retarded man to be executed. He calls himself ?pro-life,? but under Bush the rate of abortions has apparently risen after a decade of decline, and thousands have been needlessly killed in Iraq.
On September 12, 2001, the country and the world stood together. Bush has turned the world against us and bitterly divided the country with recklessness and thoughtless ideology. He is responsible for a culture of fear and hatred. He has divided, not united, this country, as he promised. He has squandered American lives, treasure, and honor.
There are many things on which you and I can respectfully agree to disagree. I am not asking you to subscribe to a Democratic view of government. I?m not asking you to become a ?liberal.? I am urging you to vote for a more responsible President and Administration on November 2.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Greg Walz-Chojnacki
8007 Portland Ave.
Wauwatosa, WI 53213
See also: Republicans for Kerry-Edwards